
A lady’s way in 15 easy steps…and a bonus!

1.      A lady is polite. First and foremost to herself!
2.      A lady respects the power of words. And uses it for the common good.
3.      A lady respects the power of silence too. She can tell when words are simple noise.
4.     A lady is a person of trust. Period!
5.      A lady knows what her core values in life are. And acts with respect to that knowledge.
6.     A lady has a mentor. Or a coach.
7.     A lady does not talk about others when they are not there. It takes her glow away!
A lady knows at least three ways to manage her stress. www.lifecoachelina.com
8.      A lady has hobbies and interests to keep her body and mind fit.  They don’t have to be expensive or too time demanding.  Reading a book or hiking up in the mountain every now and then will keep her spirits in good shape.
9.      A lady has a favorite perfume. And she does not keep it for special moments only.  
10.  A lady knows at least three ways to manage her stress. And she uses them!
11.  A lady knows that in life there is no failure. Only opportunities to learn something more.
A lady knows what her core values in life are. And acts with respect to that knowledge.
12.  A lady knows when to stop to rest. Sometimes she can do only that much and it is OK.
13.  A lady knows what her positive qualities are. And she is thankful for them!
14. A lady never stops learning. That is how she keeps her mind young. The body will simply follow…
15.  A lady keeps a diary. Or notes. Whatever that will take the negative thoughts off her mind and on a paper.
16. A lady is a good friend to those she believes are worth it. Yes, that includes herself as well. 

Αν επιθυμείς να δεις πως μπορεί το Life Coaching να μεταμορφώσει τη ζωή σου επαγγελματικά και προσωπικά, μπορείς να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μου. Τα νέα προγράμματα Life Coaching το κάνουν πλέον  προσιτό στον κάθε ένα που είναι αποφασισμένος να διεκδικήσει μια καλύτερη ζωή, και να εντάξει αυτό το εργαλείο επιτυχίας στη ζωή του! 


9 questions to take with you on holidays.

Instead of trying to find the answers to the problems that have been troubling you all this time,  how about doing something different these holidays and  take some different types of questions with you…

Pen and paper are optional and if available they will make the difference.

So you can now start by asking yourself…

1.     What dream would you dare dream, if it was guaranteed it would become true?

2.    What is your favorite type of relaxing music? Experiment on that! Don’t worry if you don’t know much about music. You Tube and Google will do the trick. Key words: relaxing, chill out, summer, music, jazz, sea… whatever fits you best! Cool ha?

3.    If this was the last opportunity you had to contact someone, who would you write a Thank -You letter to? What would you write in it? Write that letter…Don’t worry, you don’t have to send it if you don’t want to.

4.    Think of at least three times you can remember that something or someone made you smile with all your heart. You’ll know you have done it correct when you find yourself smiling, again ;-)

5.    What is the name of the person that inspired you in some way? In what way did he or she do so?

6.    Name at least five personal achievements of yours. Write them down. Praise yourself for that!

7.    Who or what fills your heart with love when you bring them in mind? Feel free to let that sense flow freely in your body …Sink in it for a while…Nice!

8.   Think of the last time someone smiled at you. And they meant it.

 9. In which way do you feel really lucky to simply be you? Like reeeeaaaally lucky?!

Research has shown that our thoughts provoke chemical reactions that release hormones which influence our mood. Our cells get addicted to those hormones. Yes, our cells can get addicted to the hormones of happiness as well.


Αφού εκείνη την στιγμή μπορούσαμε να χαμογελάμε, γιατί να μην το κάνουμε?

Εχτές εγκλωβισμένη στην κίνηση της παραλιακής, κάτω από τον μεσημεριάτικο ήλιο, έπιασα μια μικρή να με κοιτάζει επίμονα. Όταν την κοίταξα και εγώ αντί να πάρει το βλέμμα της από μένα, συνέχισε να με κοιτάζει και  μου χάρισε ένα τέλειο χαμόγελο...Ήταν σαν να μην την νοιάζει η κίνηση, η ζέστη, η κρίση...Χαιρόταν που είχε βρει κάποιον να του χαμογελάσει...

Αφού εκείνη την στιγμή μπορούσαμε να χαμογελάμε, γιατί να μην το κάνουμε?

Ένα κύμα θετικής ενέργειας ήρθε και με έλουσε και συνέχισα την διαδρομή μου γεμάτη καλή διάθεση. Και έπαιξα ένα παιχνίδι με το μυαλό μου... να βλέπω την διαδρομή μέχρι να φτάσω όπως αυτή η πιτσιρίκα...Εστιάζοντας σε πράγματα που αξίζουν ένα χαμόγελο, και να αδιαφορήσω για τα άλλα που δεν.

Το αποτέλεσμα φυσικά, ήταν να είμαι με σούπερ διάθεση και να χαμογελάω μέσα, έξω και επί τα αυτά! Λέω να συνεχίσω να παίζω έτσι με το μυαλό μου... Μου κάνει καλό.

Και κάνει καλό και στους άλλους γύρω μου!

Eλίνα. ;)