...or is it wiser to improve a bit more before applying for that job?
… to lose a bit more weight before you actually go ahead and have a relationship?
... to practice a bit more before you actually dare your next so much wanted move in your career?
Well you know what they say. There are times when happiness lies in the expectation of it!
But what about the other cases where frustration and hardship go along with the postponement of the next step? How much time can you afford to lose by waiting?
Let’s see it from another perspective.
What would you say to a baby that would not utter a single word before making sure it can use the language accurately???
What would you say to those that wouldn’t get in the water until they felt they mastered the skill of swimming beforehand?
Improvement is a life long process. Can you tell when you have reached the point where you are not as ready as you would wish, but you are ready enough?
Fear is only natural. A sign that you are progressing beyond your comfort zone. Accept it, make an educated risk analysis of the situation and make that first baby step. Don’t worry if you linger a bit. It may be the beginning of a wonderful walk…
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