
Happiness you do.

Happiness is a skill. One can learn how to feel it in the same way one learns the other skills in life.
Driving, which is a skill too, takes both our conscious and subconscious mind to do well. Same applies with Happiness.

Also once someone knows how to do it well he cannot go back and forget it. The body and the mind will have the Know-how.Same applies to Happiness. 
Driving needs work to improve. Same applies with Happiness.
In the ability to drive, riches have little if any importance. Same applies to Happiness.

Happiness is a skill.... It has little if any to do with luck. One can learn HOW to do it. And once he learns he will never forget. It is a condition that stems internally from our interpretation of the world and shows to the outside world. Not vice versa. The sooner one realizes that happiness is a skill that all it takes is certain work done… the sooner happiness will settle in.

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